This past week my son not only broke his elbow, but managed to do it so well, that he required surgery to have screws placed in his elbow to repair it. Being prepared for his surgery and recovery was quite the accomplishment. As I was waiting in the beautiful Golisano Children’s Hospital waiting room, waiting for his elbow to be repaired (a possible three hour surgery – yes, he did a number (of fractures) on his elbow), I was watching the news.

The Carolinas were preparing for Hurricane Florence, about to make landfall this coming weekend. I was wondering if my mother had her shutters put up, did she have enough food and water should she lose power, would she be affected by the possible 10 foot storm surges? Then mind jumping to my conversation with registration and Golisano will have the distinct honor of being named the most beautiful hospital in the nation. To our pre-op nurse wonderfully doing her job while engaging in fun conversation.


A shot of Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida at sunrise. The hospital was recently named the most beautiful in the United States. Courtesy of Lee Health

Aiden Prepared for surgeryThis beautiful, perky blonde with fantastic and welcoming smile, met my son (aged 14) and made him feel right at ease. As we remarked how friendly everyone is and how many patients seemed to be in the queue for surgery, post-op and discharge, she laughed and said that the beginning of the school year brings a slew of sprains, breaks and tears across all school aged children. A few weeks before the start of school, they do an inventory and make sure they have plenty of ace bandages, splints, slings, casts and crutches on hand in the emergency room. The influx is so big, they have often joked amongst themselves if the local orthopedics grease up the monkey bars in the playground or loosen screws. Obviously, this is not the case. By the way, my son broke his arm the old fashioned way…horsing around with his brother.

Are you noticing a theme here? All these things have a common thread, being prepared. We were preparing for my son’s surgery and recover, the Carolina’s and more specifically, my mom was preparing for the upcoming hurricane and the hospital was preparing for back-to-school.  So, why would I be writing about this in a business and marketing blog?

TimeIs$_97402786_xl-2015 preparedWe are getting ready to enter the 4th quarter (gosh time flies).  Are you prepared? Have you gone over the previous quarters and looked at your business and marketing goals?  Are they on point? Where are you in your projections? Have you started gathering data for your annual report? What action items are needed to round out your year and make steps towards the new year?

We, at Veer90, are here to help support and facilitate your progress. Need an update or refresh?  We can do that. Need a review of content marketing campaigns? We are here for you. Have a conference or annual report? Let us help you get the best results. Contact us today, end you year ahead of the curve and start the new year off with a blast!